Bushcraft award programme
TRIBE HONOURS: A new and exciting bushcraft award programme for those aged 8 and up.
At TRIBE we want to reward the development of your skills and knowledge of bushcraft. We have set up a new and exciting bushcraft award programme designed to do just that.
If you are already a member of the HONOURS programme please choose ‘TRIBE HONOURS MEMBERS AREA’.
what is tribe honours?
HONOURS is a new bushcraft award scheme for progression in the subject of bushcraft and wilderness skills which has been designed and implemented by TRIBE.
The bushcraft award programme encourages and rewards sustained progression in bushcraft, which helps to focus on developing your skills in a logical way. Those reaching higher Stages will be suitably proficient to undertake accredited qualifications such as the IOL Bushcraft Competency Certificate and will be supported to do so by TRIBE.Â
The HONOURS bushcraft award programme includes skills and knowledge from all areas of bushcraft, leading to a holistic experience. The aim of the bushcraft award programme is that through practice, courses and self-study, every participant has the opportunity to confirm their skills and be awarded a new bracelet band colour and corresponding Stage certificate.

who is HONOURS for?
The HONOURS bushcraft award programme is for those wanting to be recognised for the skills and knowledge gained in the subject of bushcraft.Â
Open to children (aged 8+) and adults
The bushcraft award programme is to be completed individually but you can always join up with other HONOURS participants on our HONOURS linked events.

If you are already practicing bushcraft, you can fulfil all of the criteria for the earlier Stages quickly and move onto the advanced Stages sooner. For others, it may take a longer, however you are welcome to progress at the speed that suits you and remember it is a journey of discovery so you can enjoy the process.
HONOURS works best for those who make time to practice and develop bushcraft skills on a regular basis, for example through our weekly ‘Social Saturdays‘ bushcraft sessions and/or any event which includes the TRIBE HONOURS bands in the event image (See EVENTS WITH HONOURS).
As a staged programme with clear criteria, the HONOURS bushcraft award is perfect for any settings where it is necessary to show progression, such as for schools enrolled on a regular Bushcraft School with us or Home Educators taking part in our Bushcraft Odyssey.
So you want to learn bushcraft and complete the Stages in the HONOURS Logbook, how do you do it?

First of all, look for TRIBE events which include the HONOURS bands and signals the event is linked to the HONOURS programme (see image above).Â
These events have been designed with the HONOURS bushcraft award in mind. This means there will be time to complete some of the HONOURS Stages and gain valuable knowledge in the areas of bushcraft covered in the programme. Should you wish, on these events you will be assessed on your bushcraft skills and stamp off some tasks or complete a Stage.Â
The bands also indicate that the event covers skills that can be used to complete certain parts of the HONOURS programme. They can therefore be included as time logged as well as increasing your bushcraft skillset.
HONOURS PACK and pricing
From the outset we have wanted to make the HONOURS bushcraft award programme as inclusive as possible and so we decided that this should also apply to the one-off sign up fee.
So for Only £25 we are including all of the following:-
- 1x Personalised Plastic Wallet
- 1x HONOURS Logbook
- 1x HONOURS Bushcraft Journal
- 1x Eco Pen
- 1x Pencil
- On completion of each Stage (9 total)
- 1x HONOURS Stage Certificate
- 1x HONOURS Stage Bracelet Colour
- Additional
- Ongoing Assessment: Through the TRIBE Events.
- 1x Black Inner HONOURS Bracelet: For completion of each Stage of the HONOURS Leadership.

Stage example
Here is an example of a TRIBE HONOURS STAGE
To complete a Stage you will need to stamp off tasks [A-K] (only at TRIBE) and log the required hours in the HONOURS bushcraft journal or by another source (such as notepad or phone).
In Stage 1 (see below) there are a variety of different skills that will need to be completed with the theme in capitals (i.e. ‘TOOLS:’). In order to ensure you have learnt the skills you must demonstrate the skills on a separate day to learning the skill. For example, if you have learnt how to identify a ‘Dog track’ in a session you will need to wait until the next session before you can be assessed. In addition, if you complete a skills at home or elsewhere, this can be awarded with photo or video evidence. Remember however that you will need to give information about the task. In the instance of the ‘Dog Track’ you will need to provide knowledge about why a track is a dog track and how you can tell them apart from other animals.
The selection of skills and knowledge required to complete all the HONOURS Stages are appropriate for both children and adults. This makes the programme universal and gives everyone the chance to achieve the best in themselves.

Stage Progression
Below is the progression route of the TRIBE HONOURS programme
Everyone who starts on the HONOURS programme will be shown how to make a TRIBE HONOURS Paracord Bracelet (if you forget though, don’t worry you can click here for an instructional video). The paracord you will be given will be white (for both the outer and the inner core), which demonstrates to yourself and others that you have begun your bushcraft journey on the HONOURS programme and places you on ‘Stage 0 – WHITE’. The next Stage is ‘Stage 1 – YELLOW’ and to complete that Stage you will need to stamp off all the tasks for that Stage (see Stage Example for what’s required to reach Stage 1); from there you will progress up the HONOURS.
There is no order to stamping off individual tasks, however in order to be awarded the next Stage all the tasks from the next consecutive Stage will need to be completed. In other words you cannot move onto Stage 4 before completing Stages 1-3, however you could stamp off a Stage 7 task before even completing Stage 1.

BONUS: The ‘Black Inner’ Leadership band
As a bonus feature of the TRIBE HONOURS, should you wish to prove you are able to teach the skills / knowledge in a Stage, there is a section at the bottom of each Stage from the HONOURS Logbook that shows ‘Leadership’. The skills and knowledge of bushcraft are ideal for passing along to others, so the Leadership inner encourages participants to do just that.
In order to achieve Leadership, you will need to teach the skills or knowledge to someone who does not already have the skills or knowledge of a specific task. If you complete all the leadership tasks from a Stage you will then be awarded the ‘Black Inner’ for that Stage.
TRIBE Bushcraft Centre
CAR PARK A: Park Ave, Holmesfield, Dronfield, S18 7XABushcraft Odyssey 2
Course O Sale has ended
Bushcraft course for the Home-Ed community This year we are continuing our, exclusive to home-ed, bushcraft course – the Bushcraft Odyssey: an exciting, rolling 6 week journey into bushcraft. It will cover a variety of wilderness living and natural crafts, perfect for young adventurers. If your child is new to TRIBE or not, each Bushcraft […] ...
TRIBE Bushcraft Centre
CAR PARK A: Park Ave, Holmesfield, Dronfield, S18 7XABushcraft Odyssey 1
Course E Sale has ended
Bushcraft course for the Home-Ed community This year we are continuing our, exclusive to home-ed, bushcraft course – the Bushcraft Odyssey: an exciting, rolling 6 week journey into bushcraft. It will cover a variety of wilderness living and natural crafts, perfect for young adventurers. If your child is new to TRIBE or not, each […] ...
TRIBE Bushcraft Centre
CAR PARK A: Park Ave, Holmesfield, Dronfield, S18 7XABushcraft Odyssey 2
Course A
Bushcraft course for the Home-Ed community This year we are continuing our, exclusive to home-ed, bushcraft course – the Bushcraft Odyssey: an exciting, rolling 6 week journey into bushcraft. It will cover a variety of wilderness living and natural crafts, perfect for young adventurers. If your child is new to TRIBE or not, each Bushcraft […] ...
TRIBE Bushcraft Centre
CAR PARK A: Park Ave, Holmesfield, Dronfield, S18 7XABushcraft Odyssey 1
Course F
Bushcraft course for the Home-Ed community This year we are continuing our, exclusive to home-ed, bushcraft course – the Bushcraft Odyssey: an exciting, rolling 6 week journey into bushcraft. It will cover a variety of wilderness living and natural crafts, perfect for young adventurers. If your child is new to TRIBE or not, each Bushcraft […] ...
TRIBE Bushcraft Centre
CAR PARK A: Park Ave, Holmesfield, Dronfield, S18 7XABushcraft Odyssey 2
Course B
Bushcraft course for the Home-Ed community This year we are continuing our, exclusive to home-ed, bushcraft course – the Bushcraft Odyssey: an exciting, rolling 6 week journey into bushcraft. It will cover a variety of wilderness living and natural crafts, perfect for young adventurers. If your child is new to TRIBE or not, each Bushcraft […] ...
TRIBE Bushcraft Centre
CAR PARK A: Park Ave, Holmesfield, Dronfield, S18 7XABushcraft Odyssey 1
Course G
Bushcraft course for the Home-Ed community This year we are continuing our, exclusive to home-ed, bushcraft course – the Bushcraft Odyssey: an exciting, rolling 6 week journey into bushcraft. It will cover a variety of wilderness living and natural crafts, perfect for young adventurers. If your child is new to TRIBE or not, each Bushcraft […] ...
TRIBE Bushcraft Centre
CAR PARK A: Park Ave, Holmesfield, Dronfield, S18 7XABushcraft Odyssey 2
Course C
Bushcraft course for the Home-Ed community This year we are continuing our, exclusive to home-ed, bushcraft course – the Bushcraft Odyssey: an exciting, rolling 6 week journey into bushcraft. It will cover a variety of wilderness living and natural crafts, perfect for young adventurers. If your child is new to TRIBE or not, each Bushcraft […] ...
TRIBE Bushcraft Centre
CAR PARK A: Park Ave, Holmesfield, Dronfield, S18 7XABushcraft Odyssey 1
Course H
Bushcraft course for the Home-Ed community This year we are continuing our, exclusive to home-ed, bushcraft course – the Bushcraft Odyssey: an exciting, rolling 6 week journey into bushcraft. It will cover a variety of wilderness living and natural crafts, perfect for young adventurers. If your child is new to TRIBE or not, each Bushcraft […] ...
TRIBE Bushcraft Centre
CAR PARK A: Park Ave, Holmesfield, Dronfield, S18 7XABushcraft Odyssey 2
Course D
Bushcraft course for the Home-Ed community This year we are continuing our, exclusive to home-ed, bushcraft course – the Bushcraft Odyssey: an exciting, rolling 6 week journey into bushcraft. It will cover a variety of wilderness living and natural crafts, perfect for young adventurers. If your child is new to TRIBE or not, each Bushcraft […] ...
TRIBE Bushcraft Centre
CAR PARK A: Park Ave, Holmesfield, Dronfield, S18 7XABushcraft Odyssey 1
Course I
Bushcraft course for the Home-Ed community This year we are continuing our, exclusive to home-ed, bushcraft course – the Bushcraft Odyssey: an exciting, rolling 6 week journey into bushcraft. It will cover a variety of wilderness living and natural crafts, perfect for young adventurers. If your child is new to TRIBE or not, each Bushcraft […] ...